
Thursday, October 16, 2014


The long waited new post! [As if i have loyal readers yet] *LOL* *tears*
I'm back after a loooong~ loooong~~ while. (i guess the word "a-bit" i used in my previous post wasn't that "bit" enough)
[Many things happened during that 'while'. You-don't-wanna-know.] *sigh*

Anyway, this one is for you who loves indonesian food. I mean indonesian-famous-spicy
So there is this not-so-new restaurant called "spesial sambal" [you know spesial = special. While sambal literally means grounded chilli pepper]. 28 kinds. Your choice. *lovestruck* i love peppers.

Ok, back to the review.
So i came here with my church-buddies with hungry tummies -- it was the fasting-day. and guess what? we were put in the waiting list. Hmm... the good thing was we got to place our orders while waiting.

Yes! they're that packed.

A little while after, it's our turn..! *yay!!* and were told to go upstair - the second floor and wait for our orders to be prepared. 
2nd floor - we get to sit on the floor.

minutes later - after a good cup of 'teh manis anget' [sweet warm tea. Warm sweet tea? Whatever. You get what i mean, don't you?] and a simple-mix-fruit-platter,
Mix Fruit [watermelon, pineapple, and honeydew] - idr. 4K

here are the main courses :

'Sambal Pete' - idr. 6K
Jamur Goreng [Fried Mushroom] idr. 10K

Cumi Goreng Tepung [Fried Calamari] idr. 9K // Pete Goreng [Fried Stinky-Beans] idr. 4.5K
Telur Dadar Gebal Gebul ['gebal-gebul' omelette] idr. 5.5K // Ca Kangkung [stir fried water-spinach] idr. 5.5K
Sambal Terasi Matang [cooked shrimp-paste 'sambal'] idr. 2.5K // Lele Goreng [deep fried catfish] idr. 7.5K
Tahu Goreng [Fried Tofu] idr. 7K // Sambal Bawang Ijo idr. 2K

I was surely hungry. *LOL* 

From what i see, they mainly serve javanese-indonesian food. nothing fancy, but considering the price - totally worthy. 
See that green thing in my 'sambal'? Today's highlight.
It's called "pe-te" / "petai" here in indonesia. [no! Not peter - pete. Nor the one you see in mickey mouse]

Googled it, and i guess some english speaking country call it stinky beans. Don't get the wrong idea, it's not stinky like a 1-week-old-socks. It's just not for everyone. Just like durians, some people love them dearly, others hate them. But if you happened to visit indonesia, you should really try 'em. Its ridiculously healthy too! [Google "stinky beans health benefits"] XD

It was a good dinner. A good-cash-friendly-dinner.
Honestly? It wasn't our first time tho. We were satisfied, so we came back, and will surely coming back AGAIN.
I mean, did you see those motorbikes?

Taste : ● ● ● ● ○
Price :  ● ● ● ● ●
Service : ● ● ● ● ○
Parking : ● ● ○ ○ ○
Price : 20 - 50K / person

find their nearest-branch  to you at

i visited one of their jakarta's branch at Jl. Tanjung Duren Barat I no.29 
Spesial Sambal |
